With his 85 years he is still visiting and has more than 30 flicks under his belt in addition to a number of books. He typically is traveling but when he isn’t you can find him on his ranch out in the Texas Hillside Nation. Willie is a vocalist, songwriter, poet and lobbiyst.
When he heard that 70 horses were about to be sent out to the slaughterhouse and after that to an adhesive factory he rescued them in the nick of time. For the majestic animals it is a terrible fate. Sadly there are more pens than in the wild. Willie couldn’t see that occur as an enthusiast of steeds. His ranch in Texas is called Luck Ranch and is about 30 miles from Austin. He immediately moved the steeds to his ranch. The most of the rescued horses were destined to go to the abattoir. For minimum of for the horses the cattle ranch is certainly lucky. They have a lot of area to wander there. The horses are also dealt with like kings and queens as well.

Willie Nelson told ABC Information: ,,My steeds are possibly the luckiest steeds in the world. They obtain hand-fed two times a day. They were just all set to head to slaughter. That’s possibly the last pint they remember. They are more than happy steeds.’’ Willie’s love for animals is well documented and mentioned in many of his tunes.

The majority of people at his age place their feet up in a retirement community but this fabulous country music celebrity not. He still spends around 200 days a year traveling. Nelson likes nothing more than driving his old pick up truck around Luck Cattle ranch when he is not visiting. His kind work goes way back. In 1985 Nelson set up Farm Aid with Neil Young and John Mellencamp. They decided to do this to assist and raise awareness on the significance of family farms.