No animal deserves to be left behind but that is exactly what happened to this poor pup. Her owner passed away and she was left in a dilapidated house behind a locked gate. That was two years ago. The loyal dog, now in desperate need of grooming, waits day after day for her owner to return.

After a few bites and some water, they watch as Boksil crawls under the gate. Now they can get to her if she will let them. Boksil makes her way over to the road, carrying her heavy matted fur, and just sits there. It’s truly a heartbreaking thing to see. She watches as each car passes by hoping one of them will stop and her owner will come home.

Knowing that was an impossibility, the rescuers came up with a plan to save her the next day. They arrive but as soon as Boksil hears them, she takes off running up the mountain nearby. This dog had been given up on too many times and this was not going to be another! The rescuers follow her, determined to catch her and change her life. To see what happens next, please watch the video below. It’s too good to miss!