Daphne Sheldrick dedicated her life to saving orphaned elephants, and they loved her in return

If you want to have a pet then one dog or a cat again will have an opportunity to have a new and warm home. But what about elephants?

Because of the ivory trade, and habitat loss the poor creatures also need our help. If kind people don’t pay much attention to these huge but vulnerable animal care then we will encounter serious problems connected with them.

This woman decided that she should help elephants throughout her whole life. Dame Daphne Sheldrick was born in 1934 in Kenya, during the British Empire. Her love for elephants was raised when she spent time with her father at the nature camp he was assigned to.


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When the woman saw the place she understood that this was the most desired place for her to work. It was a paradise o work among animals under the sky. So Daphne found her favorite job.

The woman married David Sheldrick and they served as the wardens of Tsavo National Park for over 20 years, turning it into Kenya’s “largest and most famous National Park.”

In 1977 David died and as an honor, to him, Daphne opened David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Nairobi. In the wildlife center, the woman began to share love and support for animals who were in extreme need and couldn’t survive in the wild anymore.

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